This is the 10,000-steps-a-day argument. We are getting heavier because we are moving less.
Our bodies were designed to move. We have been walking for two and a half million years, and now, all of sudden (evolutionarily speaking), we are sitting down - at desks, in cars, in front of televisions.
The British Heart Foundation recommends 10,000 steps to keep in good cardiovascular health.
Research has shown, however, that by walking a mere 30-60 minutes a day we could lose weight (an hour of well-paced walking can burn as many as 400 calories), and that's without changing any other part of our daily routine.
So, stride out. You've got nothing to lose.
A little light window-shopping is not going to burn off the calories or strengthen one muscle fiber.
Including hills in your walk can increase your calorie-burn much more. So, too, can walking on softer surfaces such as sand or grass.
Higher intensity exercise equals more calories burnt, which means more weight lost.
Running is the best aerobic exercise you can get, and although both walking and running can burn up about 100 calories per mile, in any given time you can run further than you can walk.
Do the maths yourself. Running, however, can be punishing on the joints.
With every strike of the ground, your feet absorb three to four times your body weight; for each step you take when you climb the stairs, your knee redirects six times your bodyweight.
Always warm up your muscles, and follow every run with a cooling-off period of stretches.
Since most of us no longer smoke and water coolers are a thing of the past take a break from staring at your computer and take an exercise break to go walk the stairs. You will be surprised by what good exercise it is and just keep thinking about all those calories you are burning.
You may be in doubt, which way to go, the easier way or hard way? Do not hesitate ... A little bit of physical activity will make you good!
It's as easy as stopping one stop before your stop on the subway, and walk the rest of the way. It's an easy way to burn extra calories... Don't be lazy... WALK!!!
ACSM - American college of Sports Medicine.
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